In 2023


Seven Layouts and their Forms of Communication

Since the release of the initial model in 1978, Agio has gone through seven generations of minor changes and introduced over 40 derivative items. Even after more than 40 years, its appeal remains undiminished.

As Agio has evolved, so too has the environment around us. In recent years, the “new normal” has emerged in both life and business, with rapid diversification of work styles and lifestyles. The changes in communication have been particularly significant, making us realize that spontaneous communication, which was once taken for granted, brought vitality to teams, and casual conversations with colleagues provided relaxation and encouragement without us even noticing.

Now that people are gradually resuming their activities, we believe that Agio can serve as a catalyst for fostering communication.

Customized to the shape you need right now.

As a “separable sofa,” Agio can be freely combined. with an average weight of only about 11 kg, its “lightweight” design makes it easy for anyone to move.

For example, “We usually use three seats in the living room, but today I want to use one in my personal room, so I’ll just take one seat,” or “We have four seats lined up, but let’s separate one to use as a personal sofa and leave the other three together.” This flexibility allows for a variety of uses.

Even in limited spaces, the separable design allows it to adapt to all forms of interaction. The ability to change its shape according to the user’s needs at any moment—that’s the charm of Agio.

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for a society that allows for more flexible working styles, driven by the diversification of lifestyles and the importance of work-life balance. Amid these changes, the introduction of Activity-Based Working (ABW) is also gaining momentum.

ABW is a working style that allows individuals to freely choose their working hours, location, and environment based on the nature of their tasks or personal needs. For example, when you need to focus alone, you can use an isolated workspace, while for brainstorming sessions with multiple people, you can utilize an open, creative area. It’s a flexible work style that allows for the optimal environment to change according to the task at hand or the mood.

When introducing Activity-Based Working (ABW), it’s important to anticipate the necessary scenarios and pre-designate areas suited for each. However, with Agio, even without large spaces, you can effortlessly adapt the layout to suit various needs. Depending on the arrangement, the space can easily transform into a private area for one person or a collaborative setting for group sessions.

We would like to propose the various communication scenarios that Agio makes possible.


Agio and the Seven Forms of Communication

When we engage in conversation, factors like the theme, setting, and number of people can influence the tone and level of tension. We also believe that physical distance and whether or not you can see the other person play a significant role in how easily conversation flows.

Agio, with its ability to transform layouts into waves (nami), circles (en), or fan shapes (ogi), adapts seamlessly to each situation. Whether it’s a space for solo work, a place to slowly reflect on unformed thoughts, or a dynamic setup to brainstorm new ideas with colleagues and foster deeper connections, Agio’s flexibility allows it to change into “the shape you need at that very moment.” This unique feature encourages spontaneous communication and may very well bring a fresh perspective to the office.


Arranging Agio in a wave-like pattern creates a layout that feels open and dynamic. Since movement paths aren’t fixed, the fluidity and casual nature of the setup naturally increase opportunities for interaction.

This arrangement also allows you to maintain just the right distance from the person next to you, enabling relaxed conversations without feeling too formal. However, because your line of sight doesn’t meet, it’s also possible to create time for yourself. Without the need for partitions, this layout allows people to act freely according to their own preferences.

This layout, where the distance between people is neither too close nor too far, makes it easy to discuss both personal and work-related topics. You can chat about hobbies with coworkers you meet in the break area or check in on each other’s task progress. By stepping away from work and engaging in relaxed communication, you might discover unexpected sides of your colleagues or even come up with ideas you wouldn’t have thought of on your own.


Arranging Agio in a circular layout allows for compact use of space. When the seats are positioned outward, you can sit from any direction, with a naturally open field of view, ensuring you don’t have to worry about the people next to you. This makes it easy to secure personal space.

On the other hand, if the seats are arranged inward, you can make solid eye contact with your colleagues. It creates an environment where you can focus on the conversation without being distracted by the surroundings. This setup allows you to share time together while reading each other’s expressions.

Though it maintains the same shape, simply changing Agio’s orientation drastically alters the layout’s impression. When arranged outward, it creates a space ideal for concentrating on individual tasks or deep reflection. Even without walls, you can easily carve out personal time and space. In a team setting, the importance of having a space to be alone becomes even more valuable.

On the other hand, when arranged inward, the layout is perfect for team projects, planning, or work discussions. With a backrest and seat angle of approximately 104 degrees, Agio allows you to sit deeply and relax. Even when facing each other, the setup strikes a balance between relaxation and focus, enabling communication with a comfortable level of tension, making it possible to share meaningful and productive time together.


With its sweeping arc and fan-like shape, this layout creates a sense of openness, naturally drawing people toward Agio. Its defined front gives it an impactful presence, establishing the space as a meaningful environment.

When arranged inward, the focus naturally converges at the center, making it ideal for presentations or collaborative team work. When arranged outward, it allows each person’s gaze to comfortably expand, creating a perfect setting for relaxation and refreshment.

Much like the En layout, changing Agio’s orientation dramatically transforms the atmosphere. The inward-facing layout, where everyone can see each other, is perfect for discussions and meetings. You can easily imagine a scene where a presentation is given, with team members’ attention naturally converging at the speaker. This layout fosters a productive and engaging discussion, allowing each person to comfortably express their opinions while observing the expressions of others.

On the other hand, the outward-facing layout introduces angles that create distance between individuals, making it easier to carve out personal time. In more intimate settings, this arrangement allows for relaxed conversations, where topics that might feel difficult to discuss face-to-face can flow more naturally, as the lack of direct eye contact helps ease tension and encourage openness.


The linear arrangement of Agio exudes a sense of sincerity and calm. While it maintains adequate space for communication, the lack of direct eye contact allows individuals to spend time in their own way.
When the Agio units are spaced apart, it naturally encourages focus on personal time. When placed closer together, it feels like one large sofa, bringing people closer and sparking more conversation.

This layout is both familiar and versatile, commonly seen in waiting areas or casual settings. It adapts to any scenario, promoting natural communication by bringing people closer together. The ability to move the Agio units closer or further apart makes it easy to form groups, while maintaining a flow of conversation without interruptions. The cushions are thick and provide a sense of security, allowing several units to be arranged together for a comfortable nap. This layout is also highly flexible, making it easy to rearrange into other configurations.

What sets this Agio layout apart is the ability for those seated to adjust the space between them. Whether it’s one, two, or three people, you can imagine a scene where the distance is naturally adjusted to create the perfect space for any group.


Arranging Agio units diagonally creates a relaxed, lounge-like layout that feels both relaxed and calm. With enough space between each unit, this arrangement naturally encourages people to gather from any direction, fostering various interactions.

This layout functions well for both “ON” activities, such as face-to-face meetings and brainstorming sessions, and “OFF” activities, like taking a break or enjoying coffee. It’s a space where quiet moments and dynamic exchanges can coexist.

It’s an ideal setup for smaller teams, forming a more intimate circle than the En layout. Without the need to retreat to a formal meeting room, this layout facilitates vibrant brainstorming sessions. It creates a space where team members can exchange their diverse ideas, inspire one another, and spark new creativity. This setup enhances comfortable, creative discussions alongside companions with different perspectives and approaches, making it perfect for dynamic and productive collaboration.


This layout arranges paired Agio units in a checkered pattern, allowing for a more segmented space. The Agio units are not placed directly opposite one another but slightly offset, maintaining a balance between a comfortable openness and just the right amount of tension.

Each small grouping provides a versatile space—ideal for quick information sharing or exchanging opinions, yet also perfect for focused individual work.

This layout is well-suited for serious discussions, feedback sessions, or moments when you need a calm setting for conversation. It enables compact space division, allowing you to adjust the distance between groups based on the nature of the conversation, creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable to speak.

Whether it’s a quiet conversation between two people or a discussion about tasks, this layout also adapts smoothly to unexpected visitors. Directly facing each other may create a sense of tension, but the slightly offset arrangement encourages a more relaxed atmosphere where thoughts and opinions flow naturally.


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