CSR Main Visual-Fuji Furniture

CSR Main Visual-Fuji Furniture

Fuji Furniture's Social Responsibility


Put an effort into making all the people
as the “Protagonists of Life”

Based on our mission of “Make each one of you as the “Protagonists of Life” from the new value created by “Creative Destruction”, Fuji Furniture believes that CSR activities should aim to continue efforts to make employees, customers, business partners, and local communities the “Protagonists of Life”.


Commitment with employees

CSR お客様を人生の主人公にするための取り組み|冨士ファニチア

Promise with customers


Commitment with local residents

Put an effort into making all the employee as the “Protagonists of Life”

Commitment with employees

We will create a workplace environment where employees can work with peace of mind.We will improve employee satisfaction by developing systems and personnel systems that increase employee motivation.

What we do for an appointment with our employees

About Safety of the plant

Our company puts safety first and continues to improve the safety of our plants. We also continue to improve our work environment.

CSR 社員を 工場の安全性について|冨士ファニチア

About Safety of the plant

Our company puts safety first and continues to improve the safety of our plants. We also continue to improve our work environment.

Promotion of work style reform

Our company strives to create a work environment in which people with diverse personalities can fully demonstrate their abilities.

CSR 社員を 働き方改革の推進|冨士ファニチア

Promotion of work style reform

Our company strives to create a work environment in which people with diverse personalities can fully demonstrate their abilities.

Efforts to make customers the “Protagonists of Life”

Promise with customers

We provide products, environment, and services that enable customers to choose furniture that they like and can use with peace of mind.

What we do for an appointment with a customer

Product safety

We require all our supplier to be traceable and disclosed for all materials used for our product in order to ensure product safety. We also use our own testing equipment to test the strength and durability of our products to ensure safety.

CSR-お客様を 商品の安全性について|冨士ファニチア

Product safety

We require all our supplier to be traceable and disclosed for all materials used for our product in order to ensure product safety. We also use our own testing equipment to test the strength and durability of our products to ensure safety.

Concierge Service

Including 6 showrooms, 9 sales offices, and online sessions, we cover the whole nation, listen to customers’ concerns, and help them choose products according to their needs.

CSR-お客様を コンシェルジュサービス|冨士ファニチア

Concierge Service

Including 6 showrooms, 9 sales offices, and online sessions, we cover the whole nation, listen to customers’ concerns, and help them choose products according to their needs.

Aftercare System

Please leave the after-sales service such as repair and maintenance of furniture that have been used for a long time.

CSR-お客様を アフターフォロー|冨士ファニチア

Aftercare System

Please leave the after-sales service such as repair and maintenance of furniture that have been used for a long time.

Quality based on international standards and consideration for the global environment

Fuji Furniture has obtained JISQ 9001: 2015, an international standard for quality management systems established by the International Organization for Standardization, at our head office, factory, and all sales offices, and JISQ 14001: 2015, an international standard for environmental management systems, at our head office and factory.

Efforts to make local people the “Protagonists of Life”

Commitment with local residents

Communicating Tokushima’s history, culture, and charm through internships and activities with Tokushima City outsiders.Population growth and employment expansion in Tokushima (Not only in Japan, but also in Europe, America and Asian countries).

What we do to make an appointment with the local people.

Acceptance of internship

We take internships for college students. In order to increase the motivation of students to work, we provide opportunities for them to experience working in various workplaces.

CSR 地域のみなさま方を 学生の職業体験の受け入れ|冨士ファニチア

Acceptance of internship

We take internships for college students. In order to increase the motivation of students to work, we provide opportunities for them to experience working in various workplaces.

Acceptance of schoolchildren for factory tours

We welcome local elementary school students on factory tours. We provide a place to visit various sites.

CSR 地域社会のみなさまを 学童の工場見学の受け入れ|冨士ファニチア

Acceptance of schoolchildren for factory tours

We welcome local elementary school students on factory tours. We provide a place to visit various sites.

Efforts to Reduce Waste

We promote the sorting, classification and recycling of waste.
In addition, we are working to reduce CO2 emissions and preserve the beautiful environment of Tokushima for children in the future by burning scraps in boilers and effectively using the heat generated in the drying rooms to reduce power consumption.

CSR-地域の方を 廃棄物削減への取り組み|冨士ファニチア

Efforts to Reduce Waste

We promote the sorting, classification and recycling of waste.
In addition, we are working to reduce CO2 emissions and preserve the beautiful environment of Tokushima for children in the future by burning scraps in boilers and effectively using the heat generated in the drying rooms to reduce power consumption.

Posting Tokushima Cultural Activities

In order to increase understanding and interest in Tokushima culture, we are carrying out activities to convey to the world through exhibitions and individual exhibitions of the JAPAN brand called “Karakuri.”

CSR 地域のみなさまを 徳島の文化発信活動|冨士ファニチア

Posting Tokushima Cultural Activities

In order to increase understanding and interest in Tokushima culture, we are carrying out activities to convey to the world through exhibitions and individual exhibitions of the JAPAN brand called “Karakuri.”

Cooperation in blood donation

The Head Office invites people to donate blood several times a year.

CSR 地域の方々を 献血への協力|冨士ファニチア

Cooperation in blood donation

The Head Office invites people to donate blood several times a year.


Since 2010, we have significantly reduced product and work-in-process inventories through kaizen activities and environmental improvements. Our goal is to further reduce inventory levels 50% by 2030.

To achieve this ambitious goal, we will do two things
(1) We will review our production methods and product lines to improve production efficiency and quality, and build a more complete cell line system.
(2) We will evolve into a company that is easy to work for, regardless of age or gender, by reducing the physical burden of the work environment so that employees can perform at a high level for longer periods of time.


Since 2010, we have significantly reduced product and work-in-process inventories through kaizen activities and environmental improvements. Our goal is to further reduce inventory levels 50% by 2030.

To achieve this ambitious goal, we will do two things
(1) We will review our production methods and product lines to improve production efficiency and quality, and build a more complete cell line system.
(2) We will evolve into a company that is easy to work for, regardless of age or gender, by reducing the physical burden of the work environment so that employees can perform at a high level for longer periods of time.


We use thinned Japanese Mizunara oak timber from Hokkaido, Japan to make our products.
Thinned timber refers to the timber generated during forest thinning, a process which involves the removal of select standing timber in order to reduce forest density.

Thinning is forestry activity indispensible for coexistence with forests which promotes the healthy growth of timber.

The thinned small-diameter timber material, although small in size, is still beautiful Japanese oak. It takes a lot of time and effort to make a product from this kind of wood, however we are committed to creating products that make the most of the beauty of Japanese Mizunara oak.


We use thinned Japanese Mizunara oak timber from Hokkaido, Japan to make our products.
Thinned timber refers to the timber generated during forest thinning, a process which involves the removal of select standing timber in order to reduce forest density.

Thinning is forestry activity indispensible for coexistence with forests which promotes the healthy growth of timber.

The thinned small-diameter timber material, although small in size, is still beautiful Japanese oak. It takes a lot of time and effort to make a product from this kind of wood, however we are committed to creating products that make the most of the beauty of Japanese Mizunara oak.